Hill Hill Carter is a proud supporter of the Junior League of Montgomery, an organization committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Founded in 1926, the Junior League of Montgomery is one of over 290 leagues across 4 countries representing almost 150,000 women. The Montgomery league is composed of nearly 800 members who donate approximately 20,000 hours of volunteer services annually. The JLM reaches out to all women regardless of race, religion, color or national origin.

The dramatic success of the League’s annual fundraisers has made possible a financial commitment to the Montgomery area that has totaled well over a million dollars in the last ten years alone. Proceeds raised by the Junior League of Montgomery support their work in the community through projects that improve the quality of life for families and children.

Women’s Leadership Summit:

Hill Hill Carter shareholder Felicia A. Long, President of the Junior League of Montgomery, helped to introduce the inaugural Women’s Leadership Summit. The event was held on March 8, 2018 at Wynlakes Country Club. JLM welcomed keynote speaker Felicia Turrentine Wasson, Director of Stakeholder Relations at the Coca-Cola Company. Among other presenters at the event were Kim Hendrix, Director of Outreach at Frazer UMC, Mary Wyatt, CEO of Wyatt General Contractor, LLC, and panelists Kendra Scott and Stacy Brown.

Girls on the Run:

The Junior League of Montgomery has partnered with Girls on the Run in 5 Title I schools in Montgomery County this school year. JLM has enjoyed fittings with the girls, making tutus and being Running Buddies. On April 28th, the girls will complete a 5k.

College and Career Night:

The League hosts an annual College and Career Night each Fall. This event is a valuable resource to our local high school students and their families. College and Career Night is designed for high school students in the tri-county area to explore college and career possibilities, gather scholarship information, and find out about financial aid opportunities. Over 5k students and parents attended this past Fall.

Shop, Save, Serve: 

The League is hosting its 2nd Annual Shop, Save, Serve charity shopping event now. Shoppers who purchase a $30 shopping pass receive 20% off at more than 180 participating retailers and businesses during the ten-day event from March 22 – 31, 2018. Some exclusions apply.

Purchase your shopping pass at one of these pass outlets: https://www.jlmontgomery.org/?nd=ticket_list&fundraiser_id=79

For a list of participating retailers, visit https://www.jlmontgomery.org/?nd=ShopSaveServeBusinessList

For more information about upcoming events sponsored by the Junior League of Montgomery, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about the Junior League of Montgomery, please click here.