Attorneys Dianne Gamble and Jayne Williams presented at CLAS Law Conference 2017



Attorneys Dianne Gamble and Jayne Williams presented at the CLAS Law Conference held in Birmingham, AL. Changing laws require educators to stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving legal and regulatory landscape. The 2017 Law Conference addressed some of these most pressing issues. Topics included: Don’t Cross the Line: Alabama Ethics, Legal Consequences of Hitting “Send”, Internet Crime and Student Impact, Tackling the Transgender Challenge, Educators Liability Trust Fund: All Things Considered, Pressing Questions? Find Answers!, Avoiding Liability with Special Education, Alabama Risk Management: What’s Provided for Schools?

Since 1969, the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS) has focused on children, while providing high quality professional development and other needs for school and school system administrators. As Alabama’s premier school leader organization, CLAS represents over 3,500 members who work every day to help improve K-12 public education by providing exemplary services for administrators. CLAS serves ten different affiliate organizations representing each type of administrator in Alabama’s public schools and school systems. For more information, please visit